2015 WSHS Alumni Association Scholarship Awards
Katherine Longabaugh | Goucher | Duke-Rader Music |
Charli Elliott | PacU of OR | Alf & Ruth Larsen and WSHS Alumni Scholarship |
Annalisa Ursino | UW | Ross & Viola Galbreath |
August Carow | UW | Ross & Viola Galbreath |
Ned Sander | UW | Ross & Viola Galbreath |
India Reidt | Tulane | Patricia Noyes |
Holly Hinnant | CalPoly | Patricia Noyes |
Kristine Le | UW | Linkous Foundation |
Caprice Villeza | UW | Linkous Foundation |
Sophia Watson | UW | Linkous Foundation |
Solinette Pich | Seattle U | Class of 1954 and WSHS Alumni Scholarship |
Meagan Duong | UW | WSHS Alumni Scholarship |
Lindsey Hage | U of LaVerne | WSHS Alumni Scholarship |
Anne Williamson | UW | WSHS Alumni Scholarship |
Liane McLanahan | U of Ptd | WSHS Alumni Scholarship |
Joni O'Reilly | American U | WSHS Alumni Scholarship |