West Seattle High School Alumni Class of 1980’s 40th Reunion
40TH REUNION – SAVE THE DATE!!! – July 18-19, 2020
The class of 1980 has a fun filled weekend planned for the weekend of July 18th & 19th. There will be 3 different ways to get together with old friends during our reunion weekend so we hope to get the word out and see as many old friends as possible! The ‘Main Event’ will be held Saturday July 18th with a Buffet Lunch at Salty’s on Alki. No registration is required, so our classmates are just encouraged to show up and enjoy the reunion that has been generously sponsored by a handful of class of 1980 alums. That same day, later in the evening at Whisky West in the Morgan Junction we will have classmates who went on to become professional musicians performing in 2 sets of music for a smaller more informal gathering. Then the following day classmates Jack Stafford & Cathy (Chambers) Lowman have organized a bike ride along Alki for any who want to join the fun. Check out the schedule below & spread the word to anyone that you may know from the Class of ’80-We need your help to get the word out! Saturday July 18th 2020 WSHS 40th Class Reunion! Buffet Lunch at Salty’s on Alki 12-4pm 1936 Harbor Ave SW / No Registration required / Hosted except for bar This is the main reunion event and can accommodate our whole group! No registration required and no charge for our class of 1980 alums + guest For more information contact Diane at Saturday July 18th 2020 Musical ‘After Party’ Whisky West from 6-10:30pm 6451 California Ave SW / Space is limited / No Host This is a smaller event is for those who want to keep the party going! First set of music by classmate Kathy (Belanich) Childers & Brad Miller 6-8pm Second musical set by the musical group ’40 year itch’ which includes classmates Monty Smith, Shel Van Taylor, Jon Sleight, as well as Kim Hales 8:30-10:30pm For more info contact Diane at Sunday July 19th 2020 Bike Ride Along the Beach Meet at 11am at the Water Taxi area where they have bike rentals 1660 Harbor Ave SW This easy going ride will take off about 11:30ish after we gather everyone and we will all ride at our own pace to the Alki Lighthouse (warning: possible stops for beverages may occur!) The truly valiant may opt to continue the ride towards Lowman Beach, while the ‘Sunday Drivers’ among us will heard back to the water taxi area or break into groups for lunch. Very fun, Very casual. For more details contact Cathy Lowman at