West Seattle High School Alumni Class of 1970 50th Reunion
Class of ’70, 50th Reunion: June 7th, 4-11 pm, Glen Acres Golf and Country Club, 1000 S 112th St, Sea, Wa. 98168. Buffet Dinner and Reception, Class Picture for purchase, Dessert Table, and hopefully few surprises. Cost is $65.00 per person. Must be received by May 20th. Mail check or money order, made out to : Patricia Kloster 10618 Glen Acres Dr S., Sea.,Wa. 98168, acting Secretary. The room max is 170 so don’t delay. We look forward to a night of fun, friendships, and camaraderie. Please let me know you receive this. We appreciate all you do.
Sincerely, Jami Vaux, Class Rep of ’70