by Jim Biava, Program V. P. Class of ‘71
First Saturday in June, 6/6/2015, 2-5:30pm
2:00 to 3:00 sign in;
3:00 to 5:30 individual class reunions;
3:30 to 4:00 Hall of Fame video in Theater;
4:00 to 5:30 the Program in the Theater with Scholarship recipients and 2 new inductees to the Hall of Fame, and more!
The change to Saturday for the ASR offers a new, more streamlined, format that will bring more student involvement. The change to the first Saturday in June has more for everyone.
Just walking through the entrances you will see one of the more visible changes to make things more streamlined. When signing in you will sign in on your individual class’s sign in sheets. Those were in the room and many didn’t sign in. This will make it easier to update records and plan for the next year’s ASR. For your convenience you can pay your annual dues right there. Or later, as it is not “admission”. The money goes to putting on this event. A big thank you for those paying dues and/or making a contribution.
Back by popular demand are the student musicians directed by Ethan Thomas’s Music Dept. This is their 3rd year performing soothing music and we are excited to have them back. They will, again this year, offering a variety of concessions. The money raised will go towards buying uniforms and other expenses. If you are hungry enjoy! If you aren’t donations are welcome.
The photography students learning their techniques in Michelle Sloan’s class will be taking random action shots. Many of those photos will be posted on our website and Face Book page. They will also visit the rooms for group shots and will have a mini studio set up for those who want to take photos. It will be fun to preserve the families with multi-generations of WSHS grads. CONTACT wshsaa.98116@gmail.com to reserve a group photo slot!
The baseball team will be helping out with volunteers. They will also have Mariner’s tickets for June 22nd game vs the Kansas City Royals. You get to see a great game AND help out our baseball team.
Always a hit the WSHS cheer squad, under the direction of Christina Posten, will also be helping out.
There are more fun changes all around. Come on down and see how many changes you notice. If you haven’t been to your WSHS All School Reunion, this Historical Saturday Debut would be a perfect afternoon to get caught up with friends.
The north and west entry doors open at 2pm. Sign in, pick up a program and a bite to eat. Roam the halls, check out the individual class reunions, then attend a short program to honor the current Scholarship Recipients, introduce the new members to our Hall of Fame, and hear from Alumni Association President Karen Seamens-Dobbs (’71). Come on down, your friends will be there waiting to see you!
Like the swallows returning to Capistrano the Alumni of West Seattle flock to school every year on the first Friday make that first Saturday in June starting this year. The WSHS All School Reunion is a long tradition that brings Alumni of all ages to gather and celebrate with former classmates. The 2014 ASR saw more exciting changes. The student musicians, future Alumni, under the guidance of Ethan Thomas provided music. If you have any ideas to make your evening more fun, informative, and nostalgic for the 2015 ASR please contact me I would love Alumni input. This year there are big changes. The biggest is changing from Friday at 5pm to Saturday from 2pm to 5:30pm and that is just the start!
The Hall of Fame’s two new inductees for the year are introduced and recognized for their accomplishments. It’s interesting to hear about and from our fellow Alumni who have outstanding achievements in a variety of fields. You can see and read about the Hall of Fame Members on a video slideshow “Meet the Members” because the Hall of Fame for years has just been names and faces on the wall to most of us. Their stories are fascinating and they made the most from their time at Westside High. This presentation, Meet the Members, is available on this website under the Hall of Fame tab.
In addition Classic Cars are on display on SW Stevens street on the north side of the school from 2pm until 5:00pm. The 2015 All School Reunion will be held on Saturday, June 6th, with the doors opening at 2:00. We hope to see you there year. If you haven’t been to your WSHS ASR come on down and you will be surprised by who you will see and how much fun you will have. After all your friends are there and want to see you.
FYI, the video slideshow “92 Years of Westside Pride” will premiered at the 2013 All School Reunion and is now part of the Seattle School District’s Archives. It runs for 45 minutes with over 630 photos. Many of you will be surprised to see yourself, parents or even in some cases you grandparents preserved on the video. The video is available to view under the “Look Here!” tab on this website.